Wednesday 25 September 2013

How can you increase your client/Business by doing SEO/SMO/Digital Marketing

Following are the reasons for SEO/SMO
 1. Increase website traffic
2. Increase sales & revenue
3. Build brand awareness
4. Your competitors use seo already
5. Generate new leads & customers
6. Enhance your reputation as a professional

SEO isn’t only driving traffic to your website. It can actually be used to increase your sales/business.

When you are working on increasing your sales from long tail SEO, you shouldn’t focus on getting as much traffic as possible from search engines. Instead, focus on getting intended traffic from product or services which you offered that you know will cause conversions.

Increased traffic might be not only from Google but also from other search engines. Google is number one but still traffic from other search engines is generally more targeted and it also counts. To check if you see an increase in traffic from search engines as a whole, look in the server logs, in the referrer field, and you will see where traffic comes to you from.

Social media (SMO) are also an indicator of your popularity. If you manage to grow the number of your Twitter followers, YouTube fans, Facebook friends, or you become popular on a major social bookmarking site, these all tell you are on the right track.

It's tricky to report results when these results are not in a physical form but it isn't impossible. Use the indicators above to convince your client your SEO efforts will bring traffic and keep the good work!
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